Thursday, January 25, 2007

Moving (work) lodgings

A whole week of sun. I cannot beloive it. Temps are on the coolish side, but it beats getting wet. So I have upped my kilometrage by 5 km/day to take advantage of the new Light.

Today we moved three bike mags and all us online types across to the south wing of Quay House. The mags had an incredible amount of kit to pack up and shift, while we got away with one box and a few computers. Our new quarters are a bit less spacious, but there's more light, which is nice. I have built a superstructure of trays to block it out, but they also serve as a partial defence against rubber bands coming from the MBUK area. And our vending machine still serves the 2007 equivalent of Victory Coffee.

Speaking of which, I'm getting through 1984, and it's an extremely good read. Of course it's also rather disturbing, because of how relevant a lot of it is to today's society. Doublespeak and doublethink are everywhere, not to mention the Thought Police.

I'm also getting into Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail. It's taken me a while, but it's now moving along at a quicker pace, and it gets better when things get out of hand. A pity Hunter S. committed suicide last year, but he reckoned he lived 17 years too long anyway.

Postscript: Why is Davros at the World Economic Forum?

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