Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Not dead, just resting

I did write 2/3rds of the Henk Ballet classic before El Tour started, and now I am here. It's...solid work.

Fans of Floyd Landis and Dave Zabriskie should read this interview.

I am now 35. Please send me money.


Anonymous said...

In Vlaanderen trakteert de jarige, gisteren (zondagmiddag) tevergeefs 2 uren zitten wachtten op terras van De Meersbloem…(ook op Godot, alias Grote Jo)
En zolang je aan dat tempo den Trap Op blijft omhoogrijden en ons ‘zeer’ doet, forget the money!

Jeff Jones said...

Vladimir and Estragon,

You don't have to pay me. 4'48 (Sat.) and 4'47 (Sun.) were fast enough on the Trap Op.

Sorry about missing the drink, but I needed a clear head for work on Sunday! We will get out for one 'na de Tour'.

Godot Jr

Anonymous said...

Congratulations with you birthday (sorry, was ik even vergeten daarnet, een verschil van 20 jaar, bij mij al symptomen van dementie)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff,

Congratulations with your 35th anniversary. Sunday somebody mentioned that you take the Trap Op with 53/14. Is that true? If it is, well you should race with the professionals! That is strong. De Rosa drunk my beer on Sunday, which was not nice from him!
Greetings, Philippe.

Jeff Jones said...

Thanks for the Birthday wishes guys!

I don't know what gear I was using on Saturday - any that would allow me to stay on the wheel of Luc de Loor, who wound it up to 45 km/h on the middle part! So it was probably a 50x14 (I have those compact cranks...).

Sunday would have been 50x16 or 15, but I didn't get to more than 39 km/h. It was a more 'even' speed though. And of course we had a tailwind both days!

I did get my test results back too: 5W/kg at the lactate threshold. That's good for me, but to win the Tour, you need about 6.7W/kg!

Anonymous said...

I know a good doctor (up to 10W/kg)
Please send me money

Anonymous said...

By the way, Philippe zijn bier uitgedronken omdat hij mij enorm grof beledigd had (122ste in de Criq waar haalt hij het), was not nice from him, zijn straf: terrasje zonder bier (voor hem dan toch)